Success Stories

“Changing His Fixed Mindset” 

  • Male, 24-year-old client who is diagnosed with ASD and has been attending HACC for an associate degree in Criminal Justice. 
  • He had a “fixed” mindset of not being good in math and has failed his college math courses multiple times. 
  • After learning his personality type, I coached him through a “growth” mindset lens with executive functioning and self-regulation skills to strengthen his learning strategies.
  • Six months later, he had a “growth” mindset towards learning a non-preferred subject, passed his math course, and graduated from HACC.

“Finding His Purpose” 

  • Male, 27-year-old client who is diagnosed with ASD and has difficulties with frustration management. 
  • He expressed creative writing is an outlet for his frustrations, but can’t seem to find a career that is meant for him. 
  • I coached him through the Japanese concept called “Ikigai”- finding your purpose while using “positive psychology” strategies. 
  • One year later, he has completed his first volume manga-comic book and is in the process of getting it published.